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It’s most common during the first and second trimesters
Relatives, friends and neighbors are frequently heard complimenting a pregnant woman for her glowing skin. But there are a few women, who become a victim of acne and pimples during pregnancy, leave aside a glowing skin. There are always high chances that a pregnant woman can suffer from a bout of acne even if she had never suffered from it as an adolescent or for an adult. And it could become worse for the rest who were already experiencing acne.
Fluid retention and hormonal changes
There are two main reasons behind this sudden breakout of acne and bad spots. One is the hormonal changes a woman goes through during maternity. The body releases progesterone hormones that activate the sweat glands. As a end result, an oily substance known as sebum is produced that leads to acne and bad spots. Another reason is the body starts retaining more fluid during pregnancy. This fluid contains toxins that again end up in acne.
Different levels of acne
An expectant mother may get mild, moderate or even severe acne during pregnancy. Typically, a woman may develop cysts, pimples and blackheads to the face, neck and at times even on the entire body. Generally, it appears during the first trimester and disappears by way of the time the trimester ends. But in some circumstances the acne lasts during the entire pregnancy.
Acne treatments during pregnancy
The first step towards acne treatment during pregnancy is consulting your physician. It could be your general practitioner, gynecologist or a dermatologist but consult them before you start any treatment. During maternity, certain oral medicines and products can result in adverse reactions. Don’t believe in advertisements that claim it’s safe to be made use of by expectant mothers. Using over-the-counter products without consulting a doctor may lead to complications. Therefore, instead with regretting later, it is best to be careful with the choices that you make during a really sensitive time.
Products to treat acne
Acne treatment products including toners, moisturizers and cleansers that includes botanical ingredients such as tea tree oil, witch hazel extract, chamomile extract and green tea extract are extremely good to make use of. If you want to treat yourself with a facial mask then opt for ones that are containing more minerals that have a calming and soothing effect on the skin.
Eat healthy and nutritious food
Eat healthy during maternity as this will help to a certain extent in combating skin troubles. During pregnancy, women get cravings for various ingredients that may not really be healthy. Controlling these cravings is not really always possible making it better to balance it with healthy and nutritious food. Drinking water is also advisable as it will help to flush out harmful toxins from the body and will keep the body hydrated.

Skin care
Another important thing that you have to follow to treat acne constitutes a skin care regimen. Washing the face with a mild facial cleanser twice or thrice a day will help to wash off excess oil. Use a moisturizer that is oil-free and preferably water-based. Don’t prick the pimples as that will just further aggravate the challenge.
Follow these healthy routines and avoid stress
It is not possible to prevent acne as it can be a very unpredictable skin issue. It may concern for some women that if they get acne during pregnancy, it may result on their children getting it in the future. But there is no link between pregnancy pimples and children developing acne. One thing that you need to stay away from is stress it may definitely affect your baby. All you need to undertake is follow skin care routine religiously also, you are all set to enjoy your pregnancy!