So, am I pregnant now?

At 3 weeks pregnant, your egg has been fertilized by your partner’s sperm, but it still has a ways to travel before it establishes a pregnancy.

It’s most likely that several sperm tried to fertilize your egg, but it’s only possible for one sperm cell to unite with your egg to create a baby. When it does, the membrane covering your egg changes and blocks all other sperm from entering the egg.

When a sperm cell and an egg cell unite, they create a new single cell called a zygote. The zygote that you are carrying, your future baby, then starts the never ending process of cell division. Within 12 hours, that single cell divides into two and 12 hours after that those two cells divide into four.

While most people think of their baby being conceived in their uterus, it doesn’t really happen that way. Conception happens your fallopian tubes and after a zygote is formed, it continues to move through your fallopian tube until it reaches your uterus.

By the time your zygote reaches your uterus, it has successfully split into about 500 cells arranged around a fluid-filled cavity and is called a blastocyst. The outer layer of cells will form into the placenta while the inner mass of cells will develop into your baby.

By the end of week 3, the blastocyst clings to the wall of your uterus and delivers an enzyme that begins to dissolve the lining of your uterus. As the lining dissolves, the blastocyst is able to firmly attach itself to your uteran wall.Although it may be too early to be detected by a home pregnancy test, you are well on your way to having a baby – Congratulations!


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