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Information Week by Week

Know the entire pregnancy process week to week. Discover the changes that will take place in your body from right now, both externally and internally. So that your pregnancy goes well and develops in a healthy and happy way.

Parental advice

How to prepare for childbirth, what are the most important tips during pregnancy, How to educate children once they are born, what care is recommended after childbirth. Everything you need to know about parental practice.

Practical information

Practical information about the most recommended studies and medical tests to maintain a perfect pregnancy. We advise week by week the details to take into account during your pregnancy.

Weeks of Pregnancy

First trimester

Week 1   ♥   Week 2   ♥   Week 3   ♥   Week 4

Week 5   ♥   Week 6   ♥   Week 7   ♥   Week 8

Week 9   ♥  Week 10   ♥   Week 11   ♥   Week 12   ♥   Week 13

Second trimester

  Week 14   ♥   Week 15   ♥   Week 16   ♥   Week 17

   Week 18   ♥   Week 19   ♥   Week 20   ♥   Week 21

Week 22   ♥  Week 23   ♥   Week 24   ♥   Week 25   ♥  Week 26

Third trimester

Week 27  ♥   Week 28  ♥   Week 29   ♥   Week 30   ♥   Week 31

Week 32  ♥   Week 33  ♥   Week 34  ♥   Week 35  ♥  Week 36

Week 37   ♥   Week 38   ♥   Week 39   ♥   Week 40

Glen Purpleson


Specialized in pregnancy, birth and the puerperium or postpartum. Comprehensive preparation of motherhood to contribute to the health of both mother and baby.

Maggie Méndez


Specialist in women's care during pregnancy. Knowledge to prevent any problems that may arise during pregnancy week by week.

Kelia Ailen

Maternity Psychologist

Psychologist specialized in Reproduction and Maternity. Knowledge of Prevention, Accompaniment, Postpartum. Techniques for overcoming anxiety and postpartum depression.

Tamaya Rayen

Writer & Social Media

Writer specialized in female psychology, motherhood and pregnancy week by week. She analyzes the changes in women's emotional health, and their family, social, health and economic environment.

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Avoid Pregnancy

Okay first things primary, let me start by clarifying a few common beliefs.

1/ Eating for two don’t mean double your meals! The fact is, you just need to increase your daily calorie intake by 250-300 calories, AND, that starts from the first 2nd trimester. Yes that’s right, you don’t need to eat anything extra in your first 3months of pregnancy. For most women, 300 calories a day during the last 6 months of pregnancy is enough to nourish your infant.

2/ Exercise is acceptable, it’s good for you and your baby so don’t end up a couch potato considering that’s how it’s designed to be. Now that’s out of the way let’s move on to details.

Why Should You Watch Your weight During Pregnancy?

Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can improve the risk of high blood pressure, Gestational diabetes together with Caesarean sections. It also means you’ve put on excess weight, you know, the weight that stays on your hips and thighs and has nothing to do with baby.

In contrast, losing too much weight during pregnancy could increase the risk of having a preterm birth and may mean your baby is not getting all the nutrients it requires for growth.

As now you can see, it’s important for that you monitor your weight all through pregnancy. The effect of too much or too little weight can have negative consequences for both you and your baby. Remember, if ever you’re concerned about your weight contact your doctor to get the best advice for you and your situation.

Just Gain Too Much Pounds, Can I Diet?

Definitely not! Most doctors and midwives advise against diet. It could affect the health of you and your baby. You can control pounds by maintaining a nutritious healthy diet and exercise… so don’t diet without discussing it with all your doctor.

What about exercising while pregnant?

Exercising and keeping active is extremely beneficial for you even when not pregnant. Keeping your body in good shape helps you cope while using the mental and physical demands of pregnancy and childbirth, and of course, it will help you in your quest to remain off that excess weight.

Think about this for a minute. If you could do something that would minimize ones pain during childbirth, something that would help you endure childbirth quicker and enable you to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight faster… why wouldn’t you do it? Hmm, sounds like a good idea to me.

Okay, so what do you eat during pregnancy?

A healthy diet includes grains, dairy, fruit and vegetables, protein, fats and of course, plenty of water. Junk food is okay now and then but should be limited. Make sure you acquire enough folate, zinc, iron and calcium. These are good for your babies development and manages you and your body. These days, many woman take supplements so visit your local chemist.

So there people go, maintain a healthy diet and keep active, but not only will keep you off that excess fat, it will be a healthier, happier pregnancy for you and your baby. VITAL: Discuss your diet and exercise plans with your doctor to make sure it’s the best solution on your behalf and your baby… in fact, you and your baby comes first.

Take care and all the best through your pregnancy.

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it is fantastic to be able to know in detail. It feels good to find out about upcoming events in your pregnancy. This Pregnancy Week by Week Guide is really useful.

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I had many doubts about the pregnancy. And this guide helped me a lot with each week of pregnancy. The postpartum counseling has also been of great help to dispel my doubts and to be sure of myself.


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